Spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice
Spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice

spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice

I am over-reliant on spell checkers to highlight all my literary transgressions and my suspicions were roused once I reached three paragraphs of text without the familiar red line appearing anywhere in my text. You see, normally I avoid LibreOffice except for the simplest of tasks, but this time I had no choice, owing to power issues, my ISP’s base station kept going offline so I couldn’t use any of my favored options: Google Drive or Office Online, which left me stuck with the LibreOffice.īut for all my brilliance, I am such a klutz when it comes to spelling and typing. Today I just discovered another problem to add to a growing list. I will not mention the limited number of extensions and templates when compared to Office. For all their faults, the good people of Redmond know how to make a good office suite and any die-hard Linux will have to concede the fact that even though it is extremely useful, LibreOffice is no match for, say, Office 2013 – in terms intuitive design, accessible features and, well I just have to say it, icon design. More especially if you were reared on the eye-hurting candy that is Microsoft Office. Unless you are a caveman, LibreOffice kind of sucks.

spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice

So whatever I have to say, I say it with love. I boot into my trusty Ubuntu 14.04 about 90% of the time.

spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice

Even when every traitor, a list that included Linus Torvalds, was cursing Unity and Gnome3, I stood by my distro. I have been using Ubuntu since Feisty Fawn and have lived through it all the closure of Ship-It, the awesomeness that was Lucid Lynx, the taking away of our rights to easily change the GDM theme. OK before I say anything else I feel like I have to say this: I love Ubuntu (of course I don’t like Mint and their insidious plans to take over the world – first it was MintMenu, and now its Cinnamon! What’s next?) The LibreOffice interface is far from Awe-inspiring

Spell check not working in openoffice or libreoffice